Highway 150 between Evanston, Wyoming and the Utah border UPDATE

Update 1/12/2017:WYDOT is reporting that the highway is open, but is is slick, with drifted snow and snowfall. Wyoming Department of Transportation is reporting that highway 150 is closed from Evanston to the Utah border due to weather conditions. You can check the status of the road closure on WYDOT’s webpage: http://www.wyoroad.info/pls/Browse/WRR.RoutesResults?SelectedRoute=WY150  

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Summit County Garbage Collection Notices-Update on Billing Cycle

Another update regarding Manor Lands (Summit County) garbage collection– The previous billing cycle date we reported of January 2017 was inaccurate. The billing cycle will actually be July-June of each year. The fee is still $36 per year but the bill we just received is actually a balance due in arrears from last July, so another payment will be…

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Red Flag Warning Back On

Summit County has announced another no burn/ red flag warning. This is an ever changing situation depending on weather conditions, wind, humidity etc.  Please keep an eye on areas near the gates and if you see a red flag or a no fires sign we ask that you refrain from having fires until the flag and signs are taken…

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Reminder about the requirement to have lot number tags on ALL ATVs

Rule J. Recreational Vehicles Regulation DEFINITION: Recreational vehicles (RV) are defined as motorcycles, three and four wheel ATV’s, off road vehicles (ORV) and snowmobiles. Rule 1. Within Manor Lands, all RV drivers shall be subject to all applicable State laws regulating RV operation including, but not limited to, age, helmets, and certification. Rule 2. All RV drivers under the…

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