Manor Lands – April Board Meeting Minutes
The April minutes from the Manor Land Board have been posted, they can be found in the All-A-Board section.
The April minutes from the Manor Land Board have been posted, they can be found in the All-A-Board section.
During the Zoom MLPOA Annual Membership Meeting a concern was brought up in reference to the belief that trailers on a specific lot were dumping waste water unto the ground rather than disposing of it properly. An investigation of this allegation was conducted by the Board of Directors and it was discovered the specific lot in question has a…
If you were unable to attend the 2021 Annual Meeting and are interested in the discussion you can watch the annual meeting recording by going to the link below. It is posted in the All-A-Board section under Minutes and Newsletters and will. be available for 14 days. This area does require an owner password to get in to.
Going into last nights meeting we had four candidates for the three vacant board positions. We received one nomination from the floor. The other candidates have biographies posted in the ballot but Jamie Pearce Zufelt does not. Below you will find her biography. Hello Manor Lands Neighbors, Last night at the annual board meeting I threw my hat in…
The Manor Lands Annual Meeting will be held tonight via zoom webinar. Below is the link to register to attend the annual meeting. When: Apr 26, 2021 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Topic: MLPOA Annual Meeting Register in advance for this webinar: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar….
The information about the annual meeting has been posted and can be found in the Notices and Minutes section of the website. The annual meeting will be held April 26th via Zoom. The registration for the meeting will be sent to the primary e-mail.
The spring newsletter has been posted on the What’s Happening page. Get updates about annual meeting, board candidates and the budget in the newsletter.
The minutes for the March 2021 ManorLand Board meeting has been posted at the location identified below. If you have any questions, please reach out to any board member.
The minutes for the February 2021 Board Meeting have been posted at the location below. If you have any questions or comments please reach out to a Board member.
We are looking for people to run for the MLPOA board of directors. As a board member, you have the opportunity to meet many of your neighbors and be a part of the operations of our association. You can expect to spend 15 to 20 hours a month and will be assigned a specific position. You must be an…