Board Candidate Bio’s

Here are the bio’s for those running for a position on the Board: Paul Valdez: Judy and I have always been two who love the outdoors. We were born and raised in Davis County, me in Layton and Judy in Clinton. Our passion has always been spending time out doors with our children. We enjoy camping and cooking laughing…

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Everyone, we recently found out that Jim’s son had recently passed away. I have given Jim some extra time off to prepare for his son’s funeral. Anyone wishing to help contribute please get in touch with me.

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Last night it was brought to the attention of the Board of Directors that some IDIOT has been doing ‘doughnuts’ in the Wilderness snowmobile parking lot. A reminder – we lease these properties from a couple of our members, those properties do not belong to MLPOA. The owners of these properties may request that we fence their property and…

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Dues reminder

Getting close to the annual meeting. We still need a couple more individuals to run for the Board. The question was recently raised as to where to send your dues. Here is the address: Brad Bradley, CPA 826 East 12300 South, Suite 1 Draper, UT 84020 Make checks out to MLPOA and put you lot number(s) on the check….

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Burning Slash Piles

Burning slash piles on your lot is discouraged.  It is preferred to either haul slash to the Manor Lands burn pile or use a chipper. Summit county requires a Burn Permit for any fires outside an approved fire pit. Burn Permits can be obtained by contacting the County Fire Warden Bryce Boyer.  (435) 640- 2075.     After acquiring a permit…

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