Reminder about the requirement to have lot number tags on ALL ATVs

Rule J. Recreational Vehicles Regulation DEFINITION: Recreational vehicles (RV) are defined as motorcycles, three and four wheel ATV’s, off road vehicles (ORV) and snowmobiles. Rule 1. Within Manor Lands, all RV drivers shall be subject to all applicable State laws regulating RV operation including, but not limited to, age, helmets, and certification. Rule 2. All RV drivers under the…

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Annual Work Party/Potluck was a Success

The Association had a successful work party this year. It was well organized and well attended. The board of directors would like to thank the members for donating hamburgers, hot dogs, equipment and their time. Slash from the sides of the roads was cleaned up and taken to the burn pit, thistle throughout the association was sprayed, there was…

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Reminders to Help Minimize Fire Risk This Summer

Just some quick reminders to help minimize the fire risk to MLPOA this summer.  If you see anyone violating these rules, please report to board member and the caretaker immediately. SHOOTING REGULATION:  There is NO SHOOTING allowed anywhere in MLPOA per Rules & Regulations and Summit County Ordinance 157. This can result in a violation and a fine FIRE WORKS ARE NOT…

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