Manor Lands September/October Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the Manor Land Board Meeting minutes for September 2021 and October 2021 have been posted. You can find them at
Minutes from the Manor Land Board Meeting minutes for September 2021 and October 2021 have been posted. You can find them at
Road Improvements During the next few weeks there will be some road work performed in Manorlands. Building roads that can accommodate passing vehicles, facilitate plowing in the winter and provide for proper drainage takes multiple days. The following roads are slated to be worked on: Pine Ridge, Forest, Crest Hill and Aspen. Most roads in Manorlands are 30 feet with…
Black Gate Closure For many years we have enjoyed the privilege of using a private road to access the North Slope Road from the black gate. The owners recently posted on Facebook a very kind reminder that it is indeed a privilege. They installed a gate and posted a speed limit sign but still allowed us access. After reports…
Dues Reminder March 15th is the last day that dues can be paid timely. After March 15, a $50 penalty will be added and interest will accrue. Dues can be mailed to MLPOA, C/O Mason CPA, 3672 W South Jordan Pkwy Suite 101, South Jordan, Utah, 84009.
RV Campground Proposal The public hearing on this proposal was held yesterday with approximately 108 attendees and the County Commissioners. After hearing from the planning commission members and about 4 hearing attendees, Roger Eggett withdrew his application to rezone his property to commercial. Thank you to everyone who expressed their concerns. Shar Code, President Manor Lands Board
From Shar Code, President Manor Lands Board We are sharing the following 2 letters that will be sent to Summit County regarding the request to rezone property on Aspen Drive. We encourage anyone who has similar concerns to send emails to Summit County at [email protected]. Thank you. Eastern Summit County Planning Commission Eggett Rebuttal for Campground
Important Notice The board was informed that Summit County Planning Commission has scheduled a hearing to discuss and possibly act on a proposed Rezone and Master Planned Development application for a campground on lot 1 of Wilderness Acres subdivision 15. This lot is located off of Aspen 20, close to the property we own and use as a burn…
A new What’s Happening blog has been posted. Invite you to check it out at
Manor Lands Annual Election Results The following people were elected to the Board of Directors: Belinda Taylor Mardell Nelson Denise Hevner Christopher Valdez The 2021 Budget was approved. Thanks everyone who volunteered to serve and participated in the election process.